"sklemmetti" still posts on JWTalks (Yahoo Groups forum).
I check in over there every so often just to see what is going on.
google his name and d'fing too.
does anyone know if it is true or not?.
"sklemmetti" still posts on JWTalks (Yahoo Groups forum).
I check in over there every so often just to see what is going on.
copied from an article today in "the republic" of indiana which confirms what the org had written in their blood booklet.. .
posted purely for your interest.. .
doctors find patients do better without blood transfusionsrob wennemer - pittsburgh post-gazette august 29, 2012 - 7:50 am edtaaaa recent study suggests that jehovah's witnesses are on to something.
No. I meant "...decapitations." Pretty quick bleedouts.
I was just playing. I need a little humor in my ex-JW life...
copied from an article today in "the republic" of indiana which confirms what the org had written in their blood booklet.. .
posted purely for your interest.. .
doctors find patients do better without blood transfusionsrob wennemer - pittsburgh post-gazette august 29, 2012 - 7:50 am edtaaaa recent study suggests that jehovah's witnesses are on to something.
They took the blood stand because the leaders needed another way to set JWs apart from other "christian" religions. Fred Franz just carried on Clayton J. Woodruff's crazy medical beliefs and came up with the blood thing. They've been locked to it ever since.
Many here will not know that in the early 1950s - during the worst of the polio epidemics - Drs. Salk and Sabin were working independently on a polio vaccine. Polio was so bad at the time that almost every school classroom had at least one student who had it, was crippled by it, or caught it during those years. One kid with polio could decimate an elementary school if not isolated immediately.
Around 1952-54 when Salk finally came out with his polio vaccine, the number of cases dropped immediately. Jehovah's Witnesses, however, most often refused to let their kids take the vaccine. Their avoidance of vaccines was leftover from the Golden Age and Consolation magazine days when Woodruff regularly published articles claiming that vaccines were poisonous - and actually caused diseases rather than preventing them.
I'm not sure if the Awake! ever published an article saying not to take the polio vaccine, but the word was out and none of the Witness families I knew would allow their kids to take the vaccine. I finally took the Sabin vaccine (on a sugar cube) at a free clinic in 1962, after I was old enough to make my own decisions. I don't know if my younger brother and sister ever took the vaccine.
Within ten years, polio became almost unknown in industrialized countries. My kids could not enter school unless they had been given the vaccine.
Another example of the Watchtower being on the wrong side of an issue. Jehovah's spirit needs to catch up on scientific facts before it directs the governing body and its writing committee.
copied from an article today in "the republic" of indiana which confirms what the org had written in their blood booklet.. .
posted purely for your interest.. .
doctors find patients do better without blood transfusionsrob wennemer - pittsburgh post-gazette august 29, 2012 - 7:50 am edtaaaa recent study suggests that jehovah's witnesses are on to something.
After I had my open heart surgery in 2002, I asked my doctor if he'd had to use blood transfusions. This was heart artery bypass surgery. You know what pulses through those veins.
His answer was that they had several pints of blood at the ready in case of emergency, but they did not actually need to transfuse me. I slept through the whole thing, but as he explained they slowed everything down while I was under the knife (no idea how they did that) and used a heart bypass machine to keep my brain alive. Most of the time during the operation was used for removing a vein in my leg (open up, snip-snip, cauterize the ends, sew me back up) and cracking my chest (blood loss was minimized by avoiding arteries and cauterizing veins). Once the heart was available, only small incisions were made to patch the new veins around the blockages. My case was complicated because they had to take a large chuck out of an artery feeding my left shoulder and arm in order to get a larger piece for a blockage in one of the feed arteries.
In spite of all of that, my doctor said I loss less than two pints of blood, an amount that the body can replace in just a few hours. So even though blood was available, none was used. I was no longer a JW, so I had no qualms at all about taking blood, but the doctor obviously felt that was not a necessity even in my rather complicated case.
I've had three other surgeries, two abdominal. I both cases the doctors did not need or even consider the use of blood.
I think doctors see blood as necessary only in cases of severe blood loss like gunshots, car accidents and decapitations. The important thing is that knowing that doctors do not automatically start giving blood transfusions everytime someone goes under the knife is good to know (as my doctor said, "That is the lazy way to do surgery..."). But when they do feel they need to use that option, it is definitely a life/death situation.
terry was admitted to the hospital yesterday.
he has a severe case of cellulites which has affected his neck glands.
his face and neck are very swollen.
Whatever you do - don't let the Jehovah's Witness Hospital Liaison elders come to your aid...
terry was admitted to the hospital yesterday.
he has a severe case of cellulites which has affected his neck glands.
his face and neck are very swollen.
Terry - get well soon! I need you to contribute to my new website that will be online this weekend.
I know you will get through all of this, but still worry about you. Hang in there...
By the way, I too have been guilty of using my teeth as ice crushers. I have two missing upper molars to show for it. Maybe our experiences will act to both inform and encourage JWN readers to use a hammer or crush their ice in less damaging ways.
hi guys,.
i've been speaking with kathleen (candace's mother) and with sami (a close family friend) and they told me the latest news on the candace conti vs. the watchtower society court case.. read it here - http://www.jehovahswitnessblog.com/jw-lawsuits/latest-on-the-candace-conti-vs-the-watchtower-society-case/.
Right on the money, Outlaw...
hi guys,.
i've been speaking with kathleen (candace's mother) and with sami (a close family friend) and they told me the latest news on the candace conti vs. the watchtower society court case.. read it here - http://www.jehovahswitnessblog.com/jw-lawsuits/latest-on-the-candace-conti-vs-the-watchtower-society-case/.
sir82 -
Oh yeah! If I was an elder I'd be making multiple copies of EVERYTHING IN THE KINGDOM HALL FILE DRAWER and stashing them away. Those letters, CO notes, and other communications could save their bacon later on. I'm hoping that some smart elder will do this and then send everything to Barbara Anderson, JWFacts (Paul Grundy), Randy Watters, Marvin Shilmer (although I think Marvin probably has everything already), and me. That way there will be plenty of sources available should the WT suddenly "disappear" their archives.
hi guys,.
i've been speaking with kathleen (candace's mother) and with sami (a close family friend) and they told me the latest news on the candace conti vs. the watchtower society court case.. read it here - http://www.jehovahswitnessblog.com/jw-lawsuits/latest-on-the-candace-conti-vs-the-watchtower-society-case/.
I expect a flurry of BOE letters from Watchtower Service and Legal departments over the next few months. I expect some major reorganizational announcements as well.
I've received some information from anonymous sources that once the Conti case is finally put to rest, dozens of cases in Canada and Australia may pop up in provincial/state courts. While USA/California laws do not apply in those countries, the Conti case has provided legal teams there with a boatload of evidence and strategies to work with and apply locally. In those countries, the very first thing the plaintiffs should ask for is copies of all WT BOE letters since 1980 on file at the local branch offices. If they don't do this quickly, they may find that the evidence has been submitted to 451F by Watchtower branch officers.
hi guys,.
i've been speaking with kathleen (candace's mother) and with sami (a close family friend) and they told me the latest news on the candace conti vs. the watchtower society court case.. read it here - http://www.jehovahswitnessblog.com/jw-lawsuits/latest-on-the-candace-conti-vs-the-watchtower-society-case/.
The judge has denied a new trial as to evidence. Apparently the compensatory damage award of $7M stands. He has, based on prior cases that have set some sort of standard, reduced the punitive damages to $8.16M. The plaintiffs (Conti/Simons) have 30 days to accept or reject the judge's decision.
It is not clear from the judge's order if the Watchtower has any options. I assume they do and I assume they will reject the judge's order and appeal the entire case. What the judge has done is to give the WT a way out and a way to save a little face. His review of the case is saying to the Watchtower: "I've checked the way the case was handled and I feel you have no basis for an appeal. If you do appeal, the higher court will most likely agree with me and reject your appeal."
He is also saying, "Based on the evidence, and comparing the punitive damages award against other similar cases, I agree that the punitive damages arrived at by the jury were too large because they were based on the jury's emotions and desire to send a message and not reasonably based entirely on the evidence. Take what you can get Watchtower and get out while the getting is good."
Whether the judge wins the argument and convinces the WT to take what it can get - the damage has been done. The case files, evidence, and testimony are all in the public domain and the Watchtower can't do a thing about that. They will certainly face other trials - and those trials will use the Conti case as a template. The only way out for the Watchtower is to settle quick, admit their errors, and change their policies while they can.
I've heard from a fairly reliable source that the Watchtower is planning to once again reorganize their relationship with the local congregations to create a more formal legal barrier between the corporate WT and local congregations. I'll make this as plain as I can:
Elders will soon find themselves on their own in these types of cases because the WT corporate legal eagles will find a way to effectively make them "franchises" - just like McDonald's and Taco Bell.
How would this work? Watchtower supplies the operating guidelines, teaching materials, literature, and training. They will approve the ownership and management. Their monthly franchise fee will be everything over and above local Kingdom Hall expenses. But the "franchised Kingdom Halls" will be separate legal entities.
I know this sounds like Menlo Park in reverse, but this is the only way the WT can free itself from the burden of all (or at least some) local liabilities.
For those of you who are still active brothers seeking out more responsibility within your Kingdom Hall - run, don't walk, away from any idea of becoming an elder or even a ministerial servant. You could find yourselves personally liable (just as the North Fremont KH was in the Conti case) and lose everything you own. Even if you win your case, it is likely that the WT will require you to get local counsel and not depend on WT Legal for your defense.
Time will tell us if this rumor is right or not. I think it will be sooner than later...